Disabled version V. Kudirkos g. 2, LT-72214 Tauragė. Company code: 179761936
Svetainė AngliškaiSvetainė Lietuvių kalba
info@tauragesligonine.lt +370 446 62700

About us

Public institution Tauragė Hospital is a non-profit public health care institution at the regional level of the Lithuanian national health system, providing secondary personal health care services provided for in its articles of association under an agreement with Klaipėda Territorial Health Insurance Funds. Tauragė Hospital was registered in 1997. October 2 The activities of the health care institution are defined by the 1999 December 17 personal health care license no. 1097, issued by the State Accreditation Service for Health Care Activities under the Ministry of Health.

VšĮ Tauragės ligoninė

V. Kudirkos g. 2, LT-72214 Tauragė
+370 446 62700

Konsultacijų poliklinika

Jūros g. 5, Tauragė
+370 446 62747; 8 698 57768

Psichiatrijos skyrius

Prezidento g. 7, Tauragė
+370 446 59846

Slaugos, palaikomojo gydymo ir paliatyviosios slaugos skyrius

+370 446 61401